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It’s Tigerific Dress Up for 2022

Can you believe it? The triple lucky twos are approaching – we are about to land on 2022. I don’t know about you all, but this past year zoomed by. Are you ready to style up for New Year’s Eve and beyond? 2022 is the year of the Water Tiger. The lucky colors are Water Mint Green, Cerulean Blue (but really all shades of blue will do!) as well as Fire Red and Imperial Yellow. Compose yourselves and stand strong for this new year promises to be fierce, exciting and earth shatteringly abundant. All you have to do is open your heart to the new and of course dress to impress.

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Mask up to make a powerful fashion statement: keep safe, not sick!

Halloween or not, it is the time to mask up. Unfortunately, it’s not a Venetian ball, it’s Rona or in more technical terms, COVID-19 – a pandemic that has not only divided us but for some, has separated family/friends for a long time. We are all deeply devastated by how this pandemic has rocked this country (and the world). We have an opportunity here to keep each other safe by merely wearing a fashion statement covering our mouth and nose, while at the same time looking chic.

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