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Summer Tasting Time

Finally! Summer time is officially here! It’s time to bask in the sun and enjoy small crumpets of deliciousness. Check out some of these recipes that will not only taste amazing in your mouth but also, feel refreshing throughout your body. These great tasting little plates can be enjoyed best while overlooking a garden, terrace or at home. With every daylight hour now getting shorter and shorter let’s indulge in the sunlight and warm Summer breeze as much as possible!


Delectable Summer Collection

Finally our favorite season is here! Are you ready to dip into the most delectable, desirable dresses ever? Have you seen our latest and greatest collection from brand Les Fees Du Vent, which by the way designed their entire Summer Line using the world’s most eyelicious and unbelievably scrumptious desserts!

Yes, that’s right, I said that word! Have you ever seen the most distinguished cakes, macaroons, flambes, souffles and chocolate truffles? Well, you are about to see them now, and the best part – we don’t care about calories. We are not going to eat them, we are going to dress in them!

Tell your lovers to get ready because the best seduction is confection! Ladies keep your eyes open, comps ready and your mouths… well do with your kisser as you wish. Here’s a sneak peek to LFDV’s Summer Recipe, exclusively on wildcurves.com!

Now for the best part, for free delivery of as many of those mouthwatering delicacies as you crave simply click here!

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