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Love is in the Spring!

A couple of weeks ago, groundhog called for an early spring and we have been saying it all along: Spring is here! Cheers! The sun is finally out and shining bright. You know what that means, it's time to bring out the smiles. We've had our cold, winter bundled up booty fun and are ready to show some leg, shoulders and midriffs now. Hooray for spring, love is in the air!

Who doesn't love the sounds of birds chirping, the colorful flower bulbs blooming and the intriguing buzzing from our beloved Yellow and Black pollinators hard at work. Bees definitely know style. I just love two complementing colors side by side as if they are doing the tango. You can easily visualize the Yellow and Black duo in a dance, dancing to their hearts desire and never overstepping or upstaging each other, simply enriching one another with every step they take and always in rhythm. You can say the same for Black and White,

Red and Blue,

and even Pink and turquoise

Do not get me started on Pink. My all time favorite color that looks just as gorgeous in Baby:

as it does in Hot:

and even hotter in Fuschia:

Okay, we have had our fun and now it is time to talk business. I mean pleasure! It is time to talk about the new Spring/Summer collection. Let me just say it is stunning. Why beat around the bush or in this case skirt (although bush may also be appropriate here, nevermind that is for another day and another blog).

Speaking of bees, one of their all time favorite flowers and rightfully so, are those gorgeous Lilac colored, sweet smelling magnificent things that bring us to a state of zen every time. You do know what flowers I am alluding to. I just know you do. Yes, you said it: Lavender! Our new styles bring us to Lavender fields.

Inspired by the Lavender fields in the Provence region of France, we bring you an art collection as visually stimulating as is the soft and comforting feel and fit of its fabric composition. You will find these lavender art styles to be your go to for day and night. You know when you want to feel casual, comfortable and oh so cute!

Wait, we have more in store for you. We know how much you just love oranges and limes for their invigorating citrus appeal and for that reason (and some others), we bring you a wearable art Orangerie line:

Along the Tequila:

and Margarita style shots that are complete with recipes not just tops:

Not just pants and dresses:

This is just, I was going to say the tip of the iceberg, but that just would not be right considering we are discussing a much hotter and happier topic: Spring and Summer. So, let me just say - Keep Clicking here for there is much more coming very soon! To Be Continued...

Stay tuned to Part 2 of our Spring/Summer 2024 Collection where style meets activewear!

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