Every new year brings new ideas, new thoughts and for many people new resolutions.

I, for one, have never appreciated the "what is your resolution for the new year" question. I remember the first time I heard this question when I was in fourth grade. It was the first day back from winter break and the do-now read: "State your new year's resolutions and how you will go about achieving it?" My first thought was: "But why? Just because it is the "new" year does not mean that my goals have magically changed. I am still the same person with the same beliefs." But I had to do the assignment so I wrote something down and forgot about it. Every year though this seems to arise. I even heard it a couple of days ago from my seven year old because he too had the same assignment. I will tell you what I told him: we are here for many reasons and with every breath we take we are moving closer to accomplishing the very goals that succeed those reasons.

You may or may not be aware of your purpose in life, but make no mistake, it will in some shape or form be fulfilled even if you are not aware of it. So, why put such rigidness around anything we do or don't do? Why not instead focus on the flow? Your flow will get you where you need to be and you will be happier in the process.

With that said, one of the ways to stay in your flow is to dress in the colors, cuts and fabrics that make you smile with confidence. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and never be afraid to shine in a different light because it is and always has been all you, and you are fabulously beautiful and especially wild!

Did you know that catalog shopping for Spring 2024 is open? It is here. Remember, the advantages of catalog shopping is that you can pre-order any style and size you would like and not worry about it being sold out (this only applies to the current season).

Wishing all of you a smooth flow and fabulous shopping in 2024 and beyond!