Finally! Summer time is officially here! It's time to bask in the sun and enjoy small crumpets of deliciousness. Check out some of these recipes that will not only taste amazing in your mouth but also, feel refreshing throughout your body. These great tasting little plates can be enjoyed best while overlooking a garden, terrace or at home. With every daylight hour now getting shorter and shorter let's indulge in the sunlight and warm Summer breeze as much as possible!
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day but the following dish idea can be eaten any time of the day and be just us appetizing at the end of the day as it would be at the beginning: Scrambled eggs with spring vegetables.
Scrambled eggs, green vegetables and, if you want, a bit of sauteed turkey. Packed with vitamins and fiber.
Ingredients: 80 g of green bean , 100 g of broccoli, a bunch of asparagus ( turkey, if desired ) , olive oil , garlic, dill, parsley, chopped onion and mushroom (if you like). Cut it all up throw it in a sautee pan with a little water and cover the pan to grab the steam, about 8-10 min. Once the water is absorbed, add a little olive oil and turkey pieces. After you hear the sexy sound of the steam churkling, add the eggs, turning down the heat to slow the churkle. A this point the egg should be a little undone, turn down the heat and twirl the egg lightly to help scramble it. Now you are ready to turn the heat off and your dish is ready to be served! Voila!
Every delicious meal deserves a delicious desert! How about a Summer Mousse: A soft mousse kiwi, strawberries and bits of orange with chocolate shavings.
Ingredients: 4 strawberries, 1 kiwi, 1 orange juice (Instead of an orange juice can use orange marmalade), 200ml whipping cream, 3 tablespoons sugar and chocolate. Orange peel and divide into four parts. Wash strawberries, remove the stem and peel the kiwi, in each cup will get a portion of the orange cut into pieces. In the mixing bowl throw in: sliced strawberries (reserve 4 thin slices), 100 ml of cream and 2 tablespoons sugar. Beat them and handed out among the four containers. Clean the glass of the blender and pour the chopped kiwi along with 100 ml of cream and remaining 1 tablespoon of sugar. Beat them and hand out strawberry mousse, in equal parts. We put a slice of strawberry mousse and grate on each a little chocolate in each cup. Let stand an hour in the fridge and ready to eat!!
For delicious delights keep clicking: wildcurves.com/blog
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