May 1, 2012
More Colors To Light Up Your Curves This Summer
Do you want to feel like a firecracker this summer and light up the dance floor? Well then check out this fire red dress! Designed by Darkwin and definitely a winner among dresses (Sizes: S-XXL). Here is why this dress will love your curves:1- "V" NECKLINE. Take a close look at the neckline. What do you see? You see round frills framing the decollete. Those frills not only frame, but also flatter as well as focus all eyes on the sexy spot seen when the proactive points squeeze together.2- Oh that Middle! It is high-waisted with two angles both shooting upwards (like the top of an arrow) this forces the eyes away from the tummy, which creates an illusion and makes the midsection seem almost invisible! If you keep looking from the center to the top and on the way glance left and right, you start to capture all of the angles. How many do you think there are? Let's just say at least four. Where do you think they are all pointing to? Take a guess, be creative and then give yourself a standing ovation! If you have not figured it out yet, comment to me on my Facebook page.3- Very Sexy Hips: What is outlining our juicy berry? Scan the side pockets embellished with black buttons and hanging laces that complement our curvaceousness, while adding a fun, flirty flicker all at the same time.4- Extendible Bottom: Do you often feel moody about the length of your dresses? Do you wish that one day it can be shorter and the next it can be longer? Well, do not fret any further because this garment can shape not only your curves, but your mood as well! Beam your eyes on the very bottom, see the effervescent-like material, that is what will change the length of the skirt by firmly gripping right above the knee and right below the knee (in that range). Do not forget to peek at the back of the dress - unlike the front it is half black!Visit our Curvy Shop and enhance your wardrobe!
Posted by doubledigitdiva on May 1, 2012
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The Untapped Plus Size Market
The Untapped Plus Size Market
/ May 4, 2012Nice dress ♥
/ May 4, 2012You have great taste! Check out other hot dresses on this site!